The Scribbler
The Scribbler
Presentation at Knext Art Gallery's Intimate Theater event
Fractal Construct Your Skin Competition (Puppet by Mine Kleynhans)
Park Performance (Photography Gert Griessel)
Odradek Performance
The Sleeper Performance (Photography Andrea Griessel)
Vaulting Mime (Photography Andrea Griessel)
Entangled Toys (Photography by Mine Kleynhans)
The Dreamer (Photography by Andrea Griessel)
Park Performance (Photography by Andrea Griessel)
The Story Teller. Performance in The Stegman Gallery
Storycases installatioin
Entangled Performance
Mime Performance
Mime Performance
The Scribbler Performance
Story Teller Performance
Scribbler Performance at Gallery on Leviseur
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